Jesus challenged many of the traditions of the people in what he said and want he did. Even today, this is not a comfortable situation, and it certainly did cause people to sit up and pay attention. Some people approved of what Jesus said and welcomed his interpretation of the Scriptures. Some saw him as the long awaited leader who would show then the way to freedom from Rome . Some aw him as the redeemer, the Savior, the one sent from God. And still others saw him as a troublemaker, one who could potentially bring down the earth of the occupying forces and cause them grief.
Soon after his baptism, Jesus sought solace in the Judean wilderness. There he prayed and fasted for 40 days. At the end of those 40 days, when his resistance was at it lowest level, Satan came to tempt Jesus. Jesus, the Son of God, is all powerful. But how would he use these powers—for the benefit and glory of God or for more selfish motives? As Jesus was confronted by each temptation, he responded by quoting from the Scriptures. His dedication to God showed that he was indeed ready to start his ministry.
Younger elementary children still live in a world that is centered around themselves. Every action and event is evaluated on its impact on them as persons. As they grow older, they will develop more of a sense of other. Sin occurs when persons put their desires above all else. The story of the temptations show how Satan tempted Jesus to put his needs ahead of his responsibilities. But Jesus stood firm.
Younger elementary children are caught between the need to please teachers and parents and the need to please their friends. Peer acceptance is a formidable force in these children’s lives. The closer children feel to God the harder it will be to be tempted to do wrong. Help the children know that they can turn to the Bible as a source for strength to do what is right. Jesus even quoted Scripture as a shield against the evil of temptation. We can provide our children with the armor to stand against the evils they face today.
In this Sunday’s story your children will be hearing about Jesus’ experience in the wilderness with Satan. Your children will be hearing how Jesus was tempted to use his power as Jesus stood firm, using Scripture and God’s power to fight off temptation. Your child is constantly confronted with choices that he or she must make. The story of how Jesus stood firm in spite of the glorious opportunities that he was offered will be an inspiration to your children. Everyone is tempted. To live without temptation would be to live in a box. But God gave us the power to resist temptation and the grace for the times when we give in.
Story is Have I Got A Deal for You, the games will be Woof, Woof, Baddest and Goodest, Temptation Tugs, Set the Stage, Comin’ At Ya.
Bible Verse
It is written, “Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.”Luke 4:8
Bible Story
Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13
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