A Message from Wayne Hillis . . .
As many of you know I am active in the KAIROS Prison Ministry at Phillips State Prison. I feel strongly that I was called into this ministry and I can tell you it is a great joy to participate. I do not know of anywhere you can see God working in so many lives at one time as during our Kairos Weekend. Our goal is to bring the love of Jesus Christ to the incarcerated, who have little hope or joy in their life.
Everyone is not called into this ministry and many do not want to go inside a prison. However, there are several ways you can participate in this ministry from the outside, and I ask that you please join us. Our next weekend will be held from April 19th through April 22nd.
We ask that you pray for our mission, for each of the Team Volunteers who will take the love of Jesus Christ into the prison, and for each of the residents inside who will participate in the weekend.
We will have Prayer Wheels available for you to sign up or you can put us on your daily prayer list.
We invite you to send letters to the 42 inside residents who will participate in the weekend. Short letters of support, encouragement, or scriptural references for inspiration. These letters will be included with many other cards and letters in the participants personal AGAPE Bags on Saturday.
If you are so inclined you are encouraged to make cards and posters, with themes of encouragement to the men. Children's AGAPE is most welcomed. Cards and letters from children are very moving to men who have not seen their children in 25 years in some cases.
You can bake homemade cookies which we will take into the prison. They must, however, be homemade cookies only. No store bought, no muffins etc etc.
On Sunday April 22nd at 2pm we will have the Closing Ceremony. You are invited to attend this moving Ceremony at which time men will give there testimonies during Open Mic. If you have ever considered the possibility of going inside with our Team, this is a great opportunity to test the waters and see what it is like.
Last but not least you may make financial contributions to the Ministry. It costs about $3,000 to facilitate a Weekend at Phillips, which we do twice a year. Additionally there are hundreds of similar Kairos Communities throughout Georgia, the US, and other countries, which need support.
All of these options show the Wonderful Love of Jesus Christ which you and I experience and these men are so moved by the fact that so many people Love them who have never met them and are Praying for them, baking cookies, writing letters and other AGAPE. Many of them have never felt love form anyone and in most cases certainly not recently.
Please consider supporting this Ministry in some way. You will be Blessed and a Blessing to Others. If you need additional information Please contact me by email or phone 912 604 6658.
May God Richly Bless You.
Wayne Hillis
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