Our mission in the United Methodist Church is to make disciples for Jesus Christ. While we do this in many ways, one of the most important is through the hospitality we offer to those who are new to our church or even to the faith. Because our building is the first sign of hospitality that a visitor receives, it is important to maintain its appearance.
Scheduled Clean Up Day:
February 4, 2012
Sanctuary Building Clean Up
In an effort to show the greatest possible hospitality to our visitors and guests, we have scheduled a day to clean and organize several areas of our sanctuary building. On February 4, items that are no longer needed in public areas will be moved to storage or disposed of. If you have any materials or property in the sanctuary building, you may wish to remove them before this date. If you are interested in volunteering for the Clean Up Day, please call or e-mail the church office.
February 4, 9:00am – 3:00pm, Sanctuary Bldg.
Clean and Organize the Following Areas:
- Store old hymnals currently sitting on or under pews
- Remove boxes
- Remove and store bulletin boards, calendars and other items left from previous displays
- Move current glass hospitality table to be used for materials in the back of the church
o Organize table in back of sanctuary
o Organize materials that remain on table
Outside Sanctuary, upper floor:
- Organize ushers stand and area surrounding, including all baskets and bags that are not being used every Sunday.
- Organize brochure shelves to be neat in appearance and to contain only material that is relevant and current.
- Move big table into sanctuary to be used for hospitality after church.
- Clear tables and floor of unnecessary items.
- Restrooms –
o acquire cabinets for cleaning materials – to be placed under the shelf inside each door
o Add baskets with hospitality materials; Kleenex, aspirin, band-aids, etc. Possibly generic changing supplies for baby changing areas.
o Women’s restroom – lock needs to be repaired on second stall.
First Floor, Foyer:
- Remove unused chairs.
- Move/Remove extra bins (especially the one with juice bags)
o Possibly place in hall by stairwell and make this an outreach area.
- Remove items from prayer room that are not necessary to the purpose of the room.
Outside the restrooms downstairs:
- Acquire a nice looking cabinet to replace the metal cabinet to hold extra paper towels and toilet paper
Fellowship Hall:
- Remove additional chairs in Fellowship Hall
- Move manger and other unnecessary items to storage.
- Work with Nimble Fingers to organize and move all materials to closet.
- Find alternative for open music shelves; they may be moved to a different area, or replaced by an enclosed storage area that looks appropriate to the room.
o Build doors for these shelves.
- Move/remove all items that are put on top of cabinets, refrigerator, etc. Find permanent storage for those that need to be kept.