Thursday, January 5, 2012

God, Money and the Global Economy

Happy New Year!  I hope that your 2012 is off to a great start and that God’s blessings be with you for the next twelve months and beyond.

This is the time for resolutions.  Did you make one?  Several?  It has become a popular trend to make resolutions every January 1.  Some people choose to set goals rather than make resolutions believing that it will bring a higher rate of success.   New year’s resolutions are funny things.  They seldom last very far beyond February and yet we make them every year anyway.  Statistics show that nearly half of us make resolutions each year, and nearly half of them fall by the wayside after the first month.  (Statistics also show, however, that there is a benefit to making resolutions.  People who made explicit resolutions were ten times as likely to reach their goals as those who did not.)

While we make resolutions about lots of things, from our physical health to the health of our relationships, many of us will resolve to improve our financial health.  We may resolve to lessen our debt, to build our savings or simply to spend more wisely.  Even our best efforts, however, rely on the cooperation of economic conditions.  In addition to resolutions, this new year brings many questions about what will happen in the state of the economy during the next twelve months.

This is why our upcoming sermon series deals with this very topic.  Beginning this Sunday, January 8, we will begin a new sermon series called God, Money and the Global Economy.  We will address many of the questions that arise in times like these.  How does God view money?  How can we honor God with our money?  And where is God when the economy crashes?

Whatever resolutions you have made or goals you have set for the new year, I hope they help you to grow as a follower of Jesus Christ.  May you mature with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  May you increase in wisdom, in patience and in joy.  And most of all, may to draw ever close to the God who created us.

Rev. Nancy

Learn more about this sermon series by clicking here, or visiting the Christ UMC website,

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