Good News to All
Tradition has called them wise men, magi and kings. But what were they really? Biblical historians tell us that they were probably Eastern astrologers, men of science who studied the stars. For them the appearance of a new star was an exciting sign. It symbolized the birth of a person destined to be influential in the world.
The Bible is not specific as to how many men came to the house in Bethlehem that day. The number three probably came from the list of gifts that the magi brought. Also, how long did it take for them to get there? Many scholars believe that the magi, or wise men, may have arrived as many as two years after Jesus’ birth. Herod’s decree (after the wise men tricked him and went home by another way) to kill all male children two years old and younger to protect his kingship supports this theory.
Many churches celebrate the arrival of the wise men during the time called Epiphany. Epiphany begins on January 6 and lasts until the beginning of Lent (Ash Wednesday). It is the season of the Christian Year when we remember that Jesus came for all people – not just for Jewish people but for all people.
At Christmas, gift giving has become a primary focus. Many parents spend themselves into debt during this time of year trying to make their children’s list become a reality. The race to outspend and outdo one another has almost become a manic. However, the child we celebrate was born to a marginal family. As we tell the stories surrounding Christmas, let us remember the focus of the season and try to bring the children to a similar understanding of what Christmas is all about.
Following Christmas there is sometimes a feeling of letdown. Let us try to keep the children’s excitement over God’s gift alive for more than just a few days. Sing a Christmas Carol at a totally different time of the year. Remind the children that Christmas is not a single day, but a celebration that should be continued as we share the good news of God’s greatest gift every day of the year.
I also wanted this lesson to incorporate something about the meaning of the New Year. At the beginning of each year many people reflect upon their life and what they can do to improve it. We see slogans everywhere motivating people to “be the new you” through weight loss programs, financial planning, exercise regiments and home organization. Yet most of us find by the end of the year we have slipped back into some of our old habits once again. This occurs because people are striving for change in their own strength without seeking the help of the Lord.
Incorporated into this lesson, children will be encouraged to examine their life and identify one thing they need to give up at the start of this New Year. What is the one thing in their life that is holding them back from having a closer walk with the Lord or having a relationship with him at all? They will learn that this change they seek cannot be found on their own, but can only be made possible with God’s help.
Bible Verse
When they saw the child with his mother Mary, they knelt down and worshipped him.
Matthew 2:11
Luke 18:18-27 (for the New Year teaching)
Bible Story
Matthew 2:1-15.
Question to ask yourselves and your children:
- What is special about the month we are now in?” It is the first month of a new year!
- “What year is it?” 2012
- “Have you heard about making a new year resolution? What is a resolution?”
- “A resolution is a goal. Something you want to do or be by the end of the year.”
- “Do you have some ideas for a resolution you could make?” Take input from the kids.
- “Did you know a resolution can be something you choose to give up, too? For example, you can resolve or make a goal to give up eating candy because it is not good for your teeth. Or you could give up playing video games after dinner because sometimes you end up staying up too late.”
Our Story will be In Search of the King and a reading from Luke and if we have time One Starry Night and we will have an activity called God’s Gift to you, and make a names mobile as well as door hangers.
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