Thursday, December 29, 2011

Children's Lesson Plan 1-1-12

Update on Sunday School
We will continue with different aspects and the study of Jesus.
Jesus’ Birth
Jesus was born into a world that was relatively as peace – a Roman peace. This peace was enforced by the Roman legions whose very presence reminded the Jewish people that there were an occupied nation.  This was a constant reminder that God had promised a Savior, a Messiah to free them from oppression.  And the people waited.
The million or so Jews who lived in the Palestine area were simply a reliable source of revenue to one of history’s most extensive taxation systems.  The great works of the Roman Empire that we so greatly admire today were financed in part by the taxes exacted on the lowly peons who lived in the occupied areas.  Provincial governors were periodically empowered to conduct a census to organize the tax rolls.  It was to such a decree authorized by Caesar Augustus that Joseph responded.
So Joseph and Mary, even though she was far along in her pregnancy, began the trip to Bethlehem , Joseph’s hometown.  Since Joseph was a descendant of King David, the most beloved of all of Israel’s kings, his marriage to Mary made it possible for Jesus to be born into the House of David and fulfill the ancient prophecy:  “But you, O’Bethlehem.- - who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel.” (Micah 5:2)
Children know the Christmas story better than any other Bible story because we tell it in so many concrete ways:  Younger elementary children learn best from taste and touch, sight and sound and smell.  The story is repeated every Christmas and forges the message of God’s greatest gift forever in their lives.
Large families, overloaded schedules, and overcrowded schools leave some children feeling neglected and lonely.  They can never seem to find their niche.  Our children are important.  They are special to God.  Affirm them, give them a sense of belonging, and help them see themselves as being special to you, to the church, and to God.  Remember, the extraordinary can come from the ordinary.
In this weeks Bible story, your children will hear the story of Jesus birth.  Children need to know that Christmas is all about Jesus.  Keep Jesus at the center of your family celebration.  Talk with your child about how important Jesus is to you and to your life as a Christian.  Sunday your children will hear about Jesus being God’s greatest gift.  God sent Jesus into the world so that we could know more about what God was like.
Next week we will learn about the Good News, Shepherds.
Our story will be Jesus is Born, the games will be A Very Special Gift, Knock, Knock and we will be making Special Biblemarks.  Please tell the children to place this book mark in their Bible at Luke 2:1-7.  This tells the story of the birth of Jesus.
Bible Verse:
She gave birth to her firstborn son and wrap him in bands of cloth, and laid him in the manger.
Luke 2:7
Bible Story
Luke 1:35; 2:1-7

Lisa Wille
Cell:  770-362-2175

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