Update on Sunday school
The Man Born Blind
In Jesus’ day there were always beggars outside the gates of any city. Because of physical infirmities they were unable to work and were often sick and without help. No righteous Jew would pass up these beggars without giving as much as possible to help them out. In the writings of Isaiah, the prophet claims that the religious fast acceptable to the Lord includes gifts of bread to the hungry, housing for the homeless, and clothing for the naked. The biblical practice of hospitality includes alms-giving or the charitable provision for the poor. This is especially true of the hospitality connected with religious feasts and sacrifices. Jesus often reminded his followers of the importance of giving to those who were in need, and in the early church the first officers were elected because of their alms-giving.
Blindness was seen as a punishment of misconduct, caused by sin. When Jesus said that he came to restore sight to the blind, he was not speaking only of physical blindness, but of spiritual blindness-the inability to see spiritual truths. As the light of the world he opened blind eyes to these truths.
Jesus frequently used different methods for his healing acts, and in today’s lesson he anointed the eyes of the sufferer with a mixture of dust and saliva. Ancient folklore recommended applications of saliva, preferably from someone who has been fasting so that the alkaline content would be higher. Too, he sent the blind man to wash in the pool where he would have the advantage of the shade provided by buildings when he first opened his eyes.
Today your children will hear the story about Jesus and a man who was born blind. Jesus covered the man’s eyes with mud and then told the man to go to the pool and wash off the mud. When the man washed off the mud, he could see!
Jesus looked at the world through eyes of love. Using God’s power to heal was one way Jesus showed care for others. Young children are often capable of showing an amazing sense of caring for others. It is our responsibility to nurture this sense of reaching out. Remind your children that while we are not able to heal other people, we can care for others just as Jesus did. One way we can care for others is by praying for them.
Today our story will be The Man Born Blind, our game will be color hop and I will be showing a short Christmas cartoon video for a special treat to the kids for all their hard work.
Bible Verse
Sing praise to the LORD; tell the wonderful things God has done.
Psalm 105:2
Bible Story
John 9:1-11
Talk with your child about how to take care of his or her eyes. Remind your child to:
1. Never look directly at the sun
2. Always keep sharp objects away from your eyes
3. Never rub your eyes with dirty hands.
Prayer Photos
Help your child choose a friend, family member, or church friend to pray for. Take a photograph of the friend or family member or ask the person to give you a photograph. Place the photo in your child’s room. Each day, look at the photograph with your child and help your child say a prayer for the person in the photograph.
Put on your calendars, Polar Express this Saturday at 5 pm comes your way in the annex. Please come one, come all, what a great way to start your holiday season! Food and drinks will be included. Come join the fun! Please RSVP to Lisa Wille at Lisa11675@gmail.comor 770-362-2175.
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