Update on Sunday school
For the next 12 weeks we will be studying about Jesus. We will start with a Savior’s Coming and go through He is the Light of the World. It will be broken up into three segments which are Jesus is Born, Jesus Begins His Ministry and finally Who is Jesus? The kids will be learning scripture from Isaiah, Luke, Matthew, John and Psalm.
I firmly believe each child in our Sunday school is a one-of-a-kind child of God. Each child has his or her own name, background, family situation and set of experiences. It is important to remember and celebrate the uniqueness of each child. Yet these one-of-a-kind children of God have some common needs:
- All children need love
- All children need a sense of self-worth
- All children need to feel a sense of accomplishment
- All children need to have a safe place to be and express their feelings
- All children need to be surrounded by adults who love them
- All children need to experience the love of God.
A Savior’s coming
In Bible times the Jewish people loved the Book of Isaiah because it was a book expected promises about Israel ’s future. The prophet Isaiah wrote during a time of great moral and political unrest. The political situation was so severe that it even threatened God’s promise of a continued reign through the lineage of King David. But Isaiah assured the people that God would send a Messiah and that the throne would indeed remain in the house of David. A child would be the sign-a child who would share the people’s sufferings and would live among them. So the people held tightly to God’s promise and watched and waited. Early Christians look back at Isaiah’s promises. They believed that Jesus’ birth fulfilled these promises.
The children will also hear the story of John. Elizabeth and Zechariah were a devout but childless couple living in Judea . Zechariah, while lighting incense at the Temple , encountered an angel. The angel promised that he and Elizabeth would finally have a child-a child destined to bring the people back to God. This child would prepare the people for the greatest of all births-the birth of God’s only son, Jesus.
Today the children will hear the Scriptures that tell about the coming of the Savior. They will also hear the story of John the Baptist, and how his birth was to be the forerunner to the birth of Jesus. John would prepare the way. John would get the people ready.
Preparing for Christmas is often as exciting as the actual experience of it. How children look forward to all the sights and sounds of the season. They begin the anticipation as soon as Thanksgiving is over. By the time Christmas arrives, the excitement borders on the manic. Plan activities that will channel this natural enthusiasm. Engage in meaningful activities that focus on Jesus as God’s greatest gift to all persons. Acknowledge the unreal expectations that your children may be experiencing. Try to remind them that we celebrate Christmas because God sent Jesus to live among us and to help us know more about was like.
Help your children discover dependability of God’s promises as you share the special stories of the birth of Jesus.
Our Story will be A Baby Called John, our games and activities will include: Waiting for the Star, Pass the Promises, Pass the Promises and Keeping Promises.
God’s Promises are:
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16
If we confess our sings, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1 John 1:9
Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go Genesis 28:15
When the box is seen in the clouds, I will remember me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh Genesis 9:14-15
For a child has been born for us, a son given to us, authority rests upon his shoulders; and his is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Pease Isaiah 9:6.
Bible Verse
For a child has been born for us
Isaiah 9:6
Bible Story
Isaiah 9:6-7, 11:1-9; Luke 1:5-25, 57-80.
Make Cookie Ornaments
3 oz pkg of cream cheese, softened
½ c margarine, softened
½ c. packed brown sugar
½ tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 2/3 c all purpose flour
Mix all ingredients, except flour, in a large bowl. Stir by hand until well blended. Add flour, stirring until dough forms a ball. Knead dough on floured surface, adding additional flour until dough is smooth and not sticky. Shape the dough on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350 degrees until edges of cookies are light brown. (This depends on the thickness of the cookies.) Cool before removing from sheet.
Special announcement!
I believe Santa will make a surprise visit this Sunday during Sunday school for who want to come. Please make sure that your children are here for a VERY special day.
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